Where to start

To begin I would recommend reading the information about emotions in the beginning of the book. Then take time to do some of the activities in the book to orientate yourself as to how the cards and the activities work together. If you did not purchase a set with the book included you can purchase a digital version of the book here:


If you do not want to purchase the book, no problem, as you work though this course you will find suggestions, games and ideas on how to use the cards.

The important thing to remember is when you experience something personally it is much easier to share authentically and guide a child through the same process.

I always recommend starting with an emotional check in for yourself and with the kids. You can find how to do this by looking at the vulnerability activity on page 67 of the book or download the PDF below which walks you through the process step by step. The PDF also has more information on why Emotional Check In's are important.

You can also watch the video below where I share more about emotional check in’s.

If you would like to learn more about emotional check-ins and the wonderful array of skills they build I would highly recommend signing up for the Emotional Wellness Basics course to support you develop an understanding about emotions and the skills you need for emotional wellness.

The course is FREE. Follow the link below to register:


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