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Emotional Wellness Basics
I am feeling delighted!
General Information
What is emotional wellness?
What are emotions?
Why are emotions important? (0:56)
Noticing & naming emotions
Introduction (1:27)
Noticing sensations
Practice noticing sensations
Naming emotions (3:38)
Practice naming your emotions (6:18)
Your emotions are messages
How do emotions act as messages? (1:52)
The messages are simple (2:12)
Practice identifying the message
Emotional check-in's - Skills for your toolkit
Internal listening
PRACTICE Internal listening
Emotional vocabulary
PRACTICE growing your vocabulary
Recognising patterns
PRACTICE recognising patterns
Support shout out! (0:16)
Hearing the message
PRACTICE hearing the message
Identifying the difference between thoughts and feelings
PRACTICE identifying the difference between thoughts and feelings (2:31)
Your emotional check-in toolkit
Introduction (4:06)
Drawing your feelings check in (8:27)
Body scan check in (3:47)
Colour, shape and action imagination check in (6:59)
Emotional check-in challenge
The Challenge
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Practice noticing sensations
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